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Please make checks payable to Fulcrum Arts. Note Landmarks of Art Initiative on the memo line or voucher.

Mail to:
Fulcrum Arts
145 N. Raymond Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91103

Landmarks of Art Initiative is dedicated to the creation of place-based site-specific works, exhibitions, and education. Specifically, the initial funds will go towards creating a large scale art project called “The Compass” in the deserts east of San Diego County. Land will be secured for this project and 8 full scale boats will be placed in the desert landscape forming a landlocked compass. Conceptually it addresses the idea of place, environment, and immigration. This artwork will serve as a aesthetic research site for arid landscapes to be visited by students and organizations. After the initial stages of creating the artwork, the mission of the initiative will be to promote artistic practices and experiences on the land and help foster emerging artist to create place based work.