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Since the broad implications of quantum theory began to prove increasingly inescapable in the 1970s/80s, physicists have been faced with profound methodological challenges in their attempts to make sense of deeply perplexing phenomena suggesting the existence of laws that are directly in conflict with our common-sense notions about the nature of reality.

In this Symposium, we will discuss the high level of creativity that is demanded within the discipline today, focusing especially on the potential of a newly emergent affinity between physics, art, and philosophy. Inviting expert practitioners from the fields of art and science, we aim to chart the relevance of blurring the boundaries between these fields.

This event will include a presentation by AxS Incubator Artists in Residence Evelina Domnitch & Dmitry Gelfand, of the results of their 4 weeks of research in collaboration with LIGO/Caltech, and CalArts.

Speakers include Evelina Domnitch & Dmitry Gelfand (AxS Incubator Artists in Residence), Professor Rana Adhikari (LIGO/Caltech), and Tom Leeser, Director of the Art and Technology Program & Center for Integrated Media, CalArts.

The Symposium will be moderated by Isabel de Sena (PAC Guest Curator)

The talk will take place in the LA Times Auditorium at ArtCenter (Hillside Campus), and will be followed by a reception and viewing of the exhibition UNCERTAINTY in the Williamson Gallery.